KNac - Sat, 23/05/2015 - 14:35

The community goal:

KNac - Wed, 04/02/2015 - 16:53
We got a civil war to win! Check daily orders for an update.
And five ays later we won, congrats to everybody who participated. Good job!
KNac - Wed, 28/01/2015 - 19:05
Today we saw further advances in influence both in Enki and LHS 2687. It does not seem that an accelerating influence differential equally accelerates the triggering of the civil war, due to this and to not risk a 'boom' we are halting every activity in LHS 2687, we tested what we wanted to test, and now we want to know what happens when a civil war triggers in absence of player action.
In Enki there seems not to be changes in the trends of the states (pending or active), but we will keep trying a few more days, although our actions seem to hurt more EC than stopping our 'boom'; in case we fail to do this, we will let the states run their course and wait for the necessary cool downs to end.
As always, visit the 'orders of the day' thread for more details on how to proceed!
- Alliance Protectorate - 57.6% +3.3%
- Enki Corporation - 25.1% -3.1%
- Others: -0.2%
LHS 2687
- LHS 2687 Progressive Party - 28.5% -7.5%
- Jet Power Interstellar - 49.1% +13.6%
- Autocracy of LHS 2687 - 19.8% -5.3%
- Partnership of LHS 2687 - 2.0% -0.5%
- LHS 2687 Dynamic Inc - 0.6% -0.2%
KNac - Tue, 27/01/2015 - 17:58
Today report, influence by AP continues well on track with further rises. Unfortunately it seems that while our active black ops campaing is having an efffect on the Enki Corporation (with uptrending civil unrest and lockdown now), due to orders latency or simply uncontrollable conditions we are getting uprising boom again. However this is not bad news because we got a partial confirmation that Boom has a threshold, when reach it will precipitate the end and for counter-cyclical reasons we may see a comeback of civil war chance.
In order to reach that threshold, we are opening again all mission running and trading (in Bass Port) with the Alliance Protectorate. The objective is to flood the market, all sort of imports and exports are welcome. Meanwhile our campaing of terror against the Enki Corporation must continue, specially against trading vessels remember!
For more info proceed to daily orders and the current operation thread, as usual.
- AP: 54.3% +2.1% trending UP (economic Boom - trending UP)
- EC: 28.2% -1.1% trending DOWN (Civil Unrest and Lockdown pending - both trending UP)
- Others: -1%
KNac - Mon, 26/01/2015 - 19:06
Early report today...
- AP: 52.2% +3.3% trending UP (economic Boom - stable)
- EC: 30.3% -2.1% trending DOWN (Civil Unrest and Lockdown pending - stable)
- others: -1.2%
Solid progress again. But no state changes.
We know from recent posts by FD executive producer that certain states are incompatible, and as long as there is one active state it will block other states. We suspect that Boom blocks Civil War (obviously, it makes sense, too busy counting the monies to grab a gun!). We will change activity to try finish this economic boom ASAP. Please visit the updated orders of the day for a summary about what to do.
We are running a friendly competition for this week that hopefully will help us to get on the right track, read about it in case it may interest you (who knows, you may get a fat prize if you win!).
KNac - Sun, 25/01/2015 - 19:24
Last reports came today from AP intel division. The upsurge in AEDC pilot activity (300+ transit last 24h) it's giving very positive results:
- AP: 48.9% +3.7% trending UP (economic Boom - stable)
- EC: 32.4% -2.4% trending DOWN (Civil Unrest and Lockdown pending - stable)
- Others: -1.3%
No changes in states for now. We advice everybody to NOT accept missions for taking out traders as the effects are now very negative for AP (negative influence, reputation, outbreak, civil unrest and lockdown!). Likewise do not get missions to kill "bounty hunters" or "propagandists" because are bugged and cannot be completed.
Congrats to all the active members who are contributing to the effort here. We must find a way on how to increase civil war (and have a chance at a civil war to start with!), as we are very well positioned in the influence trend (must get +55% influence though, as that may be key). Orders stay unchanged for now, we may revise strategy in the coming week if we do not see a civil war coming any time soon or moves in the civil unrest inside the Enki Corporation (including the comeback of 'mass control campaings' of the enemies of the Alliance, like the thugs of the Enki Corporation and their "trading ships").
We encourage people to team up and try completing "piracy missions", as we need to gauge the results of those in our efforts. What they call piracy is simple provission of combat stabilizers for our valiant freedom fighters, personal weapons for self-defence against the bullies, or 'recreative drugs' for the opressed workers of the Enki Corporation to endure the pain of their patrons.
KNac - Sat, 24/01/2015 - 00:13
After our little departure from Enki to STF 1774 we have spent enough time to see how relatively ineffective combat zones apparently are. The odds are really bad at STF 1774 system so as the rest of the Alioth area seems in relatively good shape for the Alliance (now that some bugs seem to be fixed), we are coming back to Enki while our explorers finalize details for our next move.
To summarize were we left: the system is pretty much ready to flip, the only thing we need to do is find out how to trigger a civil war. If we can do this probably there will be a flash civil war and the main station will be ours, and with it, the system. So that's the goal, find out how to start a civil war!
To everybody who joined us recently, we encourage you to move on with us while we try to have fun, learn more about the game and fight for the Alliance!
KNac - Mon, 19/01/2015 - 21:14
Recently (yesterday) we got noticed that the Federation is waging war against peaceful comrades of STF 1774. Apparently the Federation has been trying to gain control over the single station controlled by the Alliance in this system, close to Alioth itself. This interferes with our long term strategy and would push out of the system the Alliance presence.
We are temporally halting operations in Enki to try help our troops in there. We are calling every Alliance pilot from AEDC (or other organisations that sympathise with the cause) in the region to come here, even if temporally, to help our fellow comrades. Orders are:
- Base in Hill Hub.
- Complete every mission for the Pro-Alliance League we can in this system, this includes checking every station possible. Focus should be in Vizcaino City (controlled by the Federation), but missions are scarce so check everywhere. Missions are priority #1 above everything else (including combat zones!). Sabotaging STF1774 Central Ltd. missions is also a viable tactic! (Complete alternatives from USS.)
- We will be focusing on the High Intensity conflict zone near Vizcaino City. Please join open mode with the rest of us so we maximize our effectiveness. When you enter a conflict zone remember to pick sides in the right panel > functions > choose a side and pick the Alliance faction. You can cash out combat bonds at Alliance stations, it helps with combat rank and reputation.
- If you feel like it, trade with our outpost, Hunt Terminal (is a far away outpost, 100k Ls away from the main star unfortunately, so not very efficient). Bring the usual goods like weapons and armour and export expensive metals to finance war efforts.
P.S: For Enki last update check the forum, steady influence progress but not civil war incoming so we can safely disengage temporally, I hope.
KNac - Sat, 17/01/2015 - 19:11
Solid progress today, influence polls from information services are giving the following numbers:
- Alliance Protectorate is UP 1.9% since yesterday. Total: 42.5%
- Enki Corporation is DOWN 1.6% since yesterday. Total: 36.7%
- Other minor factions lost 0.3%.
An other important development is that civil unrest is on the raise again inside the Enki Corporation, and it's an impeding state (critical), as well as their reaction (lockdown) to control this outbreak.

Financial forecasters are annnouncing an economic boom for the Alliance Protectorate any time soon, enjoying prosperity while the opressive Enki Corporation abuses it's workers to just maintain control over the system instead of giving up to popular opinion.
Previous orders are still operational. A reminder that carrying out missions issued by the AP in any of it's controlled ports is completely fine (although is preferable to focus on Ponce de Leon station). Heavy fighting has been reported between independent AEDP pilots, system security forces and Enki Corporation goons in the extraction sites near Enki B2 A during the 15th of Jan and are even still ongoing now, is recommended pilots team up before engaging other forces for increased effectiviness at such places.
KNac - Fri, 16/01/2015 - 18:45
Seems the influence system is partially fixed or at least they are pushing updates manually. We got an update and the current poll numbers for the population in Enki are:
- Enki Corporation: 38.6% influence and trending DOWN
- Alliance Protectorate: 40.6% influence and trending UP
You can check the exact numbers (without rounding) at the system map in-game. That's pretty good news and solid progress, warmongers of the Enki Corporation are ready to declare us civil war (which is critical), but the people is with us. Unfortunatelly the internal conflict inside Enki Corp has diminished and high ranks are cleaning up the mess, so civil unrest is diminishing. In order to increase pressure we are issuing the following orders:
- Priority still are AP missions in Ponce de Leon.
- Second priority is supplying weapons and armour to our people at Bass Port, demand for the military materials must be low!
- We are issuing a temporal blockade of ANY trading with the Enki Corporation. This means we won't even be importing anything in there, let them starve and rot!
Clarification about docking/undocking in hostile stations, there is some confusion over this because a couple person asked me already:
- Is normal patrolling ships shoot you, but they cannot shoot you once you are inside the station.
- The station SHOULDN'T shoot under any circumstance! If the station shoots you and you are nearby you will get fried very fast.
There is currently a bug that if you do not have the WANTED status active, and you get scanned upon entering or exiting the station, the station will shoot you. So is better to go with the wanted status and not risk being scanned (specially after undocking, or you will have to pay the bounty or lose the ship). Expect to be fired by the patrolling ships, is completely normal. Full pips to engine and 2 to shield will usually do it.