Progress Report 26-Jan-3301

Early report today...

  • AP: 52.2% +3.3% trending UP (economic Boom - stable)
  • EC: 30.3% -2.1% trending DOWN (Civil Unrest and Lockdown pending  - stable)
  • others: -1.2%

Solid progress again. But no state changes.

We know from recent posts by FD executive producer that certain states are incompatible, and as long as there is one active state it will block other states. We suspect that Boom blocks Civil War (obviously, it makes sense, too busy counting the monies to grab a gun!). We will change activity to try finish this economic boom ASAP. Please visit the updated orders of the day for a summary about what to do.

We are running a friendly competition for this week that hopefully will help us to get on the right track, read about it in case it may interest you (who knows, you may get a fat prize if you win!).

