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Last reports came today from AP intel division. The upsurge in AEDC pilot activity (300+ transit last 24h) it's giving very positive results:
No changes in states for now. We advice everybody to NOT accept missions for taking out traders as the effects are now very negative for AP (negative influence, reputation, outbreak, civil unrest and lockdown!). Likewise do not get missions to kill "bounty hunters" or "propagandists" because are bugged and cannot be completed.
Congrats to all the active members who are contributing to the effort here. We must find a way on how to increase civil war (and have a chance at a civil war to start with!), as we are very well positioned in the influence trend (must get +55% influence though, as that may be key). Orders stay unchanged for now, we may revise strategy in the coming week if we do not see a civil war coming any time soon or moves in the civil unrest inside the Enki Corporation (including the comeback of 'mass control campaings' of the enemies of the Alliance, like the thugs of the Enki Corporation and their "trading ships").
We encourage people to team up and try completing "piracy missions", as we need to gauge the results of those in our efforts. What they call piracy is simple provission of combat stabilizers for our valiant freedom fighters, personal weapons for self-defence against the bullies, or 'recreative drugs' for the opressed workers of the Enki Corporation to endure the pain of their patrons.