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Date: Aug 6th
Place: Quator
We are planning event for the upcoming holidays. Event include two teams that are competing - "Traders" and "Pirates". One team deliver the goods to a station while other tries to stop it. Event happens in a private group and wings to mitigate instancing. Report Crimes set to off.
Initial idea was to test how system will behave if we fill all demand for a station and deliver every kind of goods it buys until there is nothing left in demand. But this is a bit boring for an event so we decided to add a bit of spice to it and turn it into a competition. That would provide some fun PvP with convoys and teamwork while we all can learn a bit more about background simulation. And we want that event to be entertaining so teams intend to be more or less equal with fair chances of defending their objectives.
Invited groups are:
The Code