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After our little departure from Enki to STF 1774 we have spent enough time to see how relatively ineffective combat zones apparently are. The odds are really bad at STF 1774 system so as the rest of the Alioth area seems in relatively good shape for the Alliance (now that some bugs seem to be fixed), we are coming back to Enki while our explorers finalize details for our next move.
To summarize were we left: the system is pretty much ready to flip, the only thing we need to do is find out how to trigger a civil war. If we can do this probably there will be a flash civil war and the main station will be ours, and with it, the system. So that's the goal, find out how to start a civil war!
To everybody who joined us recently, we encourage you to move on with us while we try to have fun, learn more about the game and fight for the Alliance!