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Seems FD is rapidly pushing some changes that were on queue and actually influence numbers got updated! So seems they are saving unapplied changes that are in queue and efforts are not wasted after all. Here is the last update:
In face of this we must finish the job!
Recently our fears got confirmed, there are two bugs which are preventing influence changes from being applied in some (most from my experience) systems. Along that a wealth of information came from Michael Brooks on some of the BG workings (more detailed info on the forums), confirming a lot of we were trying to be right. Despite bugs we have achieved a lot on Enki, gathered some information and had some fun. Currently we managed to create civil unrest for opposing faction, break their lockdown, and almost start a boom for our faction, all while destroying Enki Corporation ability to issue many missions any more. But our progress has met the stopping bugs and we are having a hard time progressing, and don't know if it's even possible (trigger a civil war would seem the next natural steep).
Because of this we are considering temporally (or definitively, depending on what happens when the bugs are fixed) halting operations in Enki and switch focus elsewhere. Everybody is welcome to post their opinion in the forums and participate in the discussion, like what should be our major grand strategy in the long run and what to do now. Hopefully we can achieve a list of objectives that please most people and are as inclusive as possible so we get as much people as possible on board.
Please come and leave your opinion here: http://elitediplomats.com/forum/index.php?topic=127.0