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Today the crypto-fascists of the evil corporation controlling our current target system have imposed a system-wide lock-down, doing what they know best: employing force and brutality to impose their own agenda on the free citizens of the Alliance Protectorate. Under dubious pretentions, they have deployed military forces (System Defence Forces) enforcing controls on every transit coming in or out of the system. Officers said: "If you have nothing to hide you don't have anything to fear and will have free passage, we only ask people to pass controls or face consequences". There are recordings of members of the corporate paramilitary forces confiscating goods without good reason for personal gain. We got reports that the local and neighbour Federation factions are involved on this dubious schemes.
We have been told to focus our military efforts on checkpoints, it's recommended commanders to raid those points with a wingman for increased effectiveness. Military "Anaconda" class ships spotted on SC are also priority target, as well as any transport ship (not-wanted) not pertaining to the Alliance Protectorate, as they are importing weapons and ammunition to continue this brutal acts against peaceful population protesting against the corrupt corporate government.