KNac - Sat, 17/01/2015 - 19:11
Solid progress today, influence polls from information services are giving the following numbers:
- Alliance Protectorate is UP 1.9% since yesterday. Total: 42.5%
- Enki Corporation is DOWN 1.6% since yesterday. Total: 36.7%
- Other minor factions lost 0.3%.
An other important development is that civil unrest is on the raise again inside the Enki Corporation, and it's an impeding state (critical), as well as their reaction (lockdown) to control this outbreak.

Financial forecasters are annnouncing an economic boom for the Alliance Protectorate any time soon, enjoying prosperity while the opressive Enki Corporation abuses it's workers to just maintain control over the system instead of giving up to popular opinion.
Previous orders are still operational. A reminder that carrying out missions issued by the AP in any of it's controlled ports is completely fine (although is preferable to focus on Ponce de Leon station). Heavy fighting has been reported between independent AEDP pilots, system security forces and Enki Corporation goons in the extraction sites near Enki B2 A during the 15th of Jan and are even still ongoing now, is recommended pilots team up before engaging other forces for increased effectiviness at such places.
KNac - Fri, 16/01/2015 - 18:45
Seems the influence system is partially fixed or at least they are pushing updates manually. We got an update and the current poll numbers for the population in Enki are:
- Enki Corporation: 38.6% influence and trending DOWN
- Alliance Protectorate: 40.6% influence and trending UP
You can check the exact numbers (without rounding) at the system map in-game. That's pretty good news and solid progress, warmongers of the Enki Corporation are ready to declare us civil war (which is critical), but the people is with us. Unfortunatelly the internal conflict inside Enki Corp has diminished and high ranks are cleaning up the mess, so civil unrest is diminishing. In order to increase pressure we are issuing the following orders:
- Priority still are AP missions in Ponce de Leon.
- Second priority is supplying weapons and armour to our people at Bass Port, demand for the military materials must be low!
- We are issuing a temporal blockade of ANY trading with the Enki Corporation. This means we won't even be importing anything in there, let them starve and rot!
Clarification about docking/undocking in hostile stations, there is some confusion over this because a couple person asked me already:
- Is normal patrolling ships shoot you, but they cannot shoot you once you are inside the station.
- The station SHOULDN'T shoot under any circumstance! If the station shoots you and you are nearby you will get fried very fast.
There is currently a bug that if you do not have the WANTED status active, and you get scanned upon entering or exiting the station, the station will shoot you. So is better to go with the wanted status and not risk being scanned (specially after undocking, or you will have to pay the bounty or lose the ship). Expect to be fired by the patrolling ships, is completely normal. Full pips to engine and 2 to shield will usually do it.
KNac - Thu, 15/01/2015 - 17:49
Seems FD is rapidly pushing some changes that were on queue and actually influence numbers got updated! So seems they are saving unapplied changes that are in queue and efforts are not wasted after all. Here is the last update:

In face of this we must finish the job!
Recently our fears got confirmed, there are two bugs which are preventing influence changes from being applied in some (most from my experience) systems. Along that a wealth of information came from Michael Brooks on some of the BG workings (more detailed info on the forums), confirming a lot of we were trying to be right. Despite bugs we have achieved a lot on Enki, gathered some information and had some fun. Currently we managed to create civil unrest for opposing faction, break their lockdown, and almost start a boom for our faction, all while destroying Enki Corporation ability to issue many missions any more. But our progress has met the stopping bugs and we are having a hard time progressing, and don't know if it's even possible (trigger a civil war would seem the next natural steep).
Because of this we are considering temporally (or definitively, depending on what happens when the bugs are fixed) halting operations in Enki and switch focus elsewhere. Everybody is welcome to post their opinion in the forums and participate in the discussion, like what should be our major grand strategy in the long run and what to do now. Hopefully we can achieve a list of objectives that please most people and are as inclusive as possible so we get as much people as possible on board.
Please come and leave your opinion here:
KNac - Tue, 06/01/2015 - 23:09
After several days of fierce fighting against the corporate thugs on the Enki Corporation the lockdown was broken by the AEDP and the freedom fighters of the Alliance Protectorate, as a result a general state of civil unrest it's occurring in the system right now. The crumbling government is still in control of the economy of the system and trying to enforce lockdown, but we shall prevail.
Most of the previous orders still are valid, however this should be the priority right now:
- Complete missions given by the AP at Ponce de Leon (ALL the types, as long as are given by AP are ok). Alternativelly, complete the alternatives for Enki Corporation missions (the alternatvies you get at Unidentified Signal Sources), as those are negatvie for them.
- Wage economic warfare against the Enki Corporation, we will focus on bankrupting the Enki Corporation so they cannot finance their brutal operations anymore while increasing the profile of the AP in the system. In practice this means we will import expensive materials needed by the Enki Corporation while depleting their financial assets to finance those imports, avoiding basic necessities (like food) or luxuries (consumer goods or drinks) - so import expensive minerals like gold or machinery. We will keep exporting goods from Alliance Protectorate so they keep increasing their financial assets.
- Keep supplying the AP with warfare material (weapons, any medicine missions etc.) if it rises above 'LOW' demand level at Bass Port.
- Revoking the clearance to kill WANTED enemy ships, we are still not clear of the effects this may have, but overall is probably worse (wanted ships could be importing narcotics or increasing piracy activity, unstabilizing the system which is what we want).
- Destroy enemy transports (nav beacon, SC) and working ships in extraction sites, this is the main military objective right now, we must 'sink' as much enemy goods as possible while they keep paying for them.

KNac - Sat, 03/01/2015 - 20:30
From now on we are going to focus our actions near the Ponce de Leon station. This means that:
- we will complete EVERY mission for the Alliance Protectorate at Ponce de Leon (yes, you can go inside even if you are hostile, just be careful not to die if you last landed there or you will have to pay your bounty when respawning),
- blow up checkpoints near Ponce de Leon,
- kill authority ships near Ponce de Leon,
- kill enemy trading ships near Ponce de Leon (IMPORTANT!). Every target that is not pertainign to the Alliance Protectorate or Enki Boys (pirates) is now elegible for kill, just DO NOT cash out bounties (save them for when we win the system!).
- Do not repair/refuel/rearm at Ponce de Leon. DO NOT trade with them (you can import illegal drugs though).
If you are a smuggler you can trade with Enki Corp Lakon 9 in 'seeking goods' point, trade narcotics and illegal drugs. Our partners from the Alliance at the nearby LHS 2687 system (15LY), at Williamson Hub, have offered to provide us with Tantalum at profitable rates for our revolutionary cause (export Bertrandite and import Tantalum). Also don't forget to keep the Alliance Protectorate well supplied with weapons (Personal Weapons demand is now again MED), armour, medicines and production goods (like mineral extractors), by that priority.
Fly safe!
P.S: this thread is always kept up to date in case you want to consult something:
KNac - Fri, 02/01/2015 - 00:58
Today the crypto-fascists of the evil corporation controlling our current target system have imposed a system-wide lock-down, doing what they know best: employing force and brutality to impose their own agenda on the free citizens of the Alliance Protectorate. Under dubious pretentions, they have deployed military forces (System Defence Forces) enforcing controls on every transit coming in or out of the system. Officers said: "If you have nothing to hide you don't have anything to fear and will have free passage, we only ask people to pass controls or face consequences". There are recordings of members of the corporate paramilitary forces confiscating goods without good reason for personal gain. We got reports that the local and neighbour Federation factions are involved on this dubious schemes.
We have been told to focus our military efforts on checkpoints, it's recommended commanders to raid those points with a wingman for increased effectiveness. Military "Anaconda" class ships spotted on SC are also priority target, as well as any transport ship (not-wanted) not pertaining to the Alliance Protectorate, as they are importing weapons and ammunition to continue this brutal acts against peaceful population protesting against the corrupt corporate government.

KNac - Tue, 30/12/2014 - 00:16
Alliance Protectorate just issued a report on the current situation, "steady progress ..... we need more reinforcements ..... first results starting to come in".
Some errors were made the first couple of days, but our active assets in the area with good deligeance are acting fast to adapt to a mobile situation. After just a day of correct operations we are already watching some good results. Alliance Protectorate told us the local incompetent corrupt government is starting to crack down with pending civil unrest state. Their answer? Like any other opressor their first reaction has been to start lockdown protocol in the system. Officers from AP told us to continue our duties as we have been doing during the last hours, continued effort will help their (and our) objectives.
Thanks for the effort commanders!
Commanders fighting hordes of evil opposition:

Progress Report:

KNac - Sun, 28/12/2014 - 05:32
Rumors say that some fruits may be already happenning due to our activity with Alliance Protectorate, a neighbour Federation system is losing estability and influence by the controlling faction is weakening.
Stay tunned.
KNac - Fri, 26/12/2014 - 14:07
UPDATE: There is more info on the target system in the thread now, check it out and come join the party!
The Alliance Protectorate recently contacted AEDP communciating an interest in our services to expand their activities in some systems. They promise to develop a partnership with us for future operations and any share on profits from that same expansion.
For more info on the operations come in the forum and check the appropiate thread.
KNac - Wed, 24/12/2014 - 15:23
It seems the Alioth Independents under the joint efforts of several CMDR's of the Pilot Federation are expanding their influence in the core world of Alioth itself (+10% over the last days). This is good news for our efforts as if the trend continues we may soon see an expansion outwards and increasing activity in neighbour systems.
Keep the good work up.
From now on, focus on helping building Alioth Independents influence in the area, take very Alioth Independents mission you can from Alioth itself and neighbour systems. This will also help your Alliance overall reputation even if you are allied with them!